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שקילת משאיות בתנועה
TruckScales for wim2
Train in motion
LCIC-4CH for 2 wheel scales


WatchDog Title

Don't wait for a fire - prevent it!
The end to unnecessary fires in e-bike and e-sooters

e-bike/e-scooter Safety Device to prevent lithoum battery fires

Every year, an average of 220 house fires break out as a result of lithium battery showers. Charging these batteries is a potential for a fire that is very difficult to extinguish. Some of the houses burned down completely within a few minutes and in some of the incidents there were also injuries to the soul.
WatchDog offers a complete solution to prevent fires in rechargeable batteries in e-bikes and e-scooters! (patented) and in addition, allows healthy charging that may double the battery life.

Model LCBLE 

 Soil Anchor / screws monitoring with remote phone reading

כביש 79-2
Sensor box
BLE Logo

Built-in Bluetooth with free Apps to read and save

reading with time stamp


The digital soil anchor load cell comes already calibrated in force or weight units, and allows it to be read remotely on any phone or tablet (from the Android family) via a free app that can be downloaded from the store. The app also allows you to save reading data including date and time and send them as an Excel file directly from your phone by email or text message. Each load cell has its own address and you can switch with the phone between all the cells installed in the field and save all the readings as an Excel file.

20-25 meters

Wireless monitoring system for tanks and silos

The Container / Silos Monitoring System enables wireless monitoring of the container and its contents including weight, pressure, temperature and viewing data from anywhere using the browser. The system operates on a battery that lasts for years and can therefore be installed anywhere and independent of power supply. The data is transmitted directly to a dedicated cloud application that also saves read history, displays graphs, allows data to be saved in Excel file and sends an email automatically in case of an exception

שקילת מיכלים עם ניטור אלחוטי IMS
data to cloud
BLE Logo

Wireless digital screws / Soil anchor load cell 

Model LCBW

Monitoring of ground anchors by a digital and wireless power cell without the need to transfer cables in the field or supply voltage. The data is transmitted directly to a dedicated cloud app and the user can access and read the data directly from the computer anywhere in the world.

data to cloud
bluetooth icon

Controllers weigh in motion


The Moving Weighing Controllers (LCIC-WIM) family is the ultimate solution for real-time truck weighing and rail applications, designed to handle high-speed and slow-moving trucks and trains.


The thousands of units installed worldwide and many years of experience in the field explains why the LCIC-WIM card is chosen by many weighing and integration companies known to be their main board to handle WIM applications.

בקר שקילה בתנועה IMS

Load Cell Tester 

Model LCT-Ultimate  

IMS בודק מתמרי עומס

LCT-Ultimate CELL LOAD Tester is a new and friendly new generation manual test that covers all the variety of tests required to detect a malfunction in any weighing system based on transducers ranging from simple weight to tank weighing systems and the like.

The test is simple to operate and will provide all the essential data regarding the tested transducer in seconds and will allow the technician to verify whether it is correct or alternatively the nature of the fault. In addition, the test enables the accuracy of the weighing surface, the linearity test and the continuous reading test.


Who we are ....

IMS Ltd. - Industrial Management Company is a private company with more than 40 years of experience in designing and manufacturing control systems and interface boards for various sensors used in manufacturing, construction, agriculture and more.

The company is known throughout the world for weighing control systems for trucks and traffic (WIM), as well as for the unique and portable test of weighing sensor integrity - which has become popular in the world and serves thousands of technicians in leading weighing companies.


In the past year, the company has entered into the field of weight monitoring and pressure monitoring and automatic transmission of the measured data to a dedicated cloud application. Dozens of wireless power monitoring systems in construction anchors that are considered the most advanced in the world are already scattered on construction sites around the country to the full satisfaction of customers.


The system can be tailored to the client's unique requirements and according to the sensor required for the project, enabling ongoing monitoring from anywhere in the world as well as receiving automatic alerts according to its settings.

 Industrial Measurement Systems Ltd. (I.M.S. Ltd)

34 Shimshon Street, Haifa, Israel 3467802

TEL: +972-4-8110877

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